1 Ne 13:37 And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.
Hey everyone!
Sorry the email is late, couldnt email because Monday was Memorial day, and all of the libraries were closed.
Well, the week has been pretty crazy hard. That's OK. One of the hardest things is that our investigator, Daniel, moved to the West Bank. It really stinks that we won't really see him, but it is really awesome because the branch in west bank is really moving and trying to become a ward, and they fault one Priesthood Holder. I know that the west bank branch will be better for him.
The next thing is that we have been teaching Manuel, an investigator that Elder Gillett and his companion before me found here. We had been by a few times before, but now we have gone by quite regularly and he seems too good to be true! He is really smart and catches on to pretty much everything we throw at him. We are always trying to explain something that is really simple, and then he goes on and explains it perfectly and it is like, oh, cool, you already got that, moving on! El me cae bien.
We had the BEST sacrament meeting that I have had since I got here nine months ago (NINE MONTHS!!! That is such a long time ago!) Anyways, we had priesthood in the chapel up on the stand for the first time, because the RS in the chapel in the pews has always been a little crazy. That was the first awesome step. Second, as the women came in for sacrament (because we have sacrament last) the men sang hymns. It was so awesome, and the spirit was pretty strong. Then, I was directing the music, which I feel I take way seriously, but hey, that's what I do when it comes to music. I do the best I can or I don't like doing it at all. Anyways, I felt the spirit way strong during the hymns, and then we had three missionaries speak, one of which just arrived here like a couple weeks ago, another that has been on a mission for nine months, and another that has more than twenty months, all on the importance of the sacrament. It was awesome, and the spirit testified so strongly and I know that that was exactly what the ward needed.
Well, pretty much at random, I read in the Book of Mormon and read 1 Nephi 13:37. I love how the things we need to do to receive all of these blessings are seek, publish (or make generally known according to Merriam Webster), and endure. If we are seeking to do good and build up zion, will go forth and share with everyone this message, and endure all the trials that will come, we will be blessed! I love all of you! Thanks for the support! A few more days and I will have been out more than a year! That is so crazy! Thanks again for everything!
Elder Scott Turner Andrews
pic 1 is me on the riverwalk
pic 2 is a view into the French Quarter