Ether 12:6
And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.
Crazy week! One of the highlights was that we committed four people to be baptized in one lesson! We had a lesson with Jose and Areli, a family that me and Elder Gillett had found quite a while ago, and whom we hadn't seen in a while. Anyways, when we got there, they invited their roommates to come listen as well. We taught the doctrine of Christ as we had planned, and then committed them all to be baptized the 23 of February The spirit was so strong, and I am so glad we went with the lesson we had planned. Our other investigators are doing well. Daniel is going strong, but work has been really hard for him. He really wants to be baptized though, so we are going to be there to help him.
I talked in church this Sunday! in Spanish! I spoke on how the true church is organized, and it was interesting. The talk went well, but it was interesting because right before I went up bishop signaled to me that I only had five minutes to talk instead of ten. So, I had to summarize everything, and shorten it, all in Spanish. It went well though, so I was happy!
Yesterday I was able to sing in a choir of missionaries the national anthem for the New Orleans Hornets! It was so cool! One of the English members has a connection somewhere, and gave us the opportunity. The game was alright, the hornets led the entire time by at least ten, but still fun to watch from our nose bleeder seats!
Right now I am on an exchange with Elder Pope, Elder Gillett's trainer. So far so good! We are talking a lot in Spanish, so it has been really fun and helpful!
Well, me and Elder Larsen have an interesting relationship. Lately we have been butting heads, but it has been a time to really humble myself and I have really learned a lot. I know that if this wasn't the Lords work, we wouldn't be able to get anything done, but frankly, it is His work, and we are blessed because of it! I love you all! Thanks for all you have done to help me out here! Until next week!
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