Monday, December 2, 2013

Year 2 - Letter 27 - Baton Rouge, LA

Matthew 6:9-13

Hey Everyone!

Life is great!  So, one really cool thing was that Saturday was the baptism of Tanya Ramirez! Both me and Elder Hale were in the font because she is pregnant, and therefore a little bit more heavy and unstable.  It was a really cool experience.  The spirit was just so soft and peaceful.  It was really neat.

Well, this week was pretty much awesome!  
Monday we went to Brother Shute's home, and we taught about trusting in the Lord using the broomstick.  Brother Shute had made us a Turkey.  He doesn't like turkey at all, but he gets one every bishops storehouse, so he made it for us.  For a guy that never eats turkey, it was delicious! After that, we went to Presidente Felipe's for another Family Home Evening.  It was awesome. We taught the same lesson again, and had an interesting conversation.  We asked what we could do to better trust in the Lord.  At first they talked about the simple things, like have more meaningful scripture study, more fervent and frequent prayers, etc.  Then it got to missionary work, and it was cool that if we will just trust in the Lord, and go to work as he would have us, it will work out (kind of like what you were talking about mom! He IS mightier than all the earth! see 1 Nephi 4:1 and  "Doctrinal Commentary on The Book of Mormon" by McConkie and Millet) It was a sweet lesson!

Tuesday I got a package of letters from my family for thanksgiving. Thank you all so much!  I love you all too!  I saw something interesting in the lyrics of the song Count your Blessings that my dad included in his letter.  The 3rd verse in the lyrics, it says
Count your many blessings; money cannot buy 
Your reward in heaven nor your home on high.
If you look at the punctuation, it says count your many blessings: (PAUSE) money cannot by your reward in heaven nor your home on high.  I just sat there and just thought how profound that is. Money CANNOT buy the things that matter most.  That is something that I have really seen from the people that I have taught.  All a lot of them do is work, and that is it.  Money is only important in sustaining our families.  We can't let it get in the way of what matters most.

Thanksgiving was awesome!  Presidente Estrada put me and Elder Hale in charge of organizing sports.  We went to Burbank Fields and played some soccer.  We got a lot of people there despite it being on the cold side.  And that is another thing!  I never would have thought that Louisiana would be cold!  Last week it got below freezing!  I have been very grateful for the sweaters and jacket that have been sent from home!  Thanks again!

Thanksgiving dinner was in the church with a bunch of the single guys in our ward.  Me and Elder Hale made garlic mashed potatoes.  They were so good they reminded me of my dads! They were a hit.  It was a good dinner, and the company was better.

Saturday was awesome!  We went and did a bunch of service at the house we went to last week, except we did painting. Elder Hale used Felipe's stilts, to scrape the old paint on the ceiling.  I tried and just could do it. We got a lot done though.  And then the Baptism.  That was awesome. Elder McMurray confirmed her on Sunday, and that was sweet.  A good first transfer experience for him.  

Well, life is a gift!  Thanks for everything!  I love you all!  Hasta luego!

Elder Scott Turner Andrews 

1.Me Elder Hale and Tanya
2.Me and Elder McMurray :P  haha, jk On the left is Felipe, and on the right is Martin, who is going to move into our area soon, which is sweet.
3.Service, and you can kind of see Elder Hale's Stilts.

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