Monday, February 17, 2014

Year 2 - Letter 38 - Baton Rouge, LA

D&C 61:3 But verily I say unto you, that it is not needful for this whole company of mine elders to be moving swiftly upon the waters, whilst the inhabitants on either side are perishing in unbelief.

Hey Everyone!

Life is grand here in the good 'ole south.  The weather here in Baton Rouge is quite bi-polar.
Early this last week it was freezing cold, while right now it is warm.  I think that we still have a few more cold fronts coming in, so I guess that we shall see.  Well, Elder Glauser and I have been doing a lot of contacting.  Elder Provost's time with us really changed the two of us.  We had around six solid contacts this week.  I'm gonna do the whole bullet point thing again, because it is an effective and organized way of saying what I want.
  • First was Luis and his family.  Luis is a little kid that is probably around 8-9 years old.  He was outside and we started to talk with him and his cousin Fernando.   I talked with Luis while Elder Glauser talked with Fernando.  Luis asked if I had a testimony.  Quite an interesting question for an 8 year old.  I shared my testimony that families can be forever.  He told me that he worried about what would happen to his family after death.  I explained the principle that God loves all of us and that families are ordained of God.  I also shared a copy of the Book of Mormon with him, and gave him Alma 40.  He was super excited to read.  He went in to his home, and talked with his mom, and his mom invited us in.  We couldn't go in because his dad wasn't home.  We will go back today probably.
  • Next was these two guys on the road by where Luis lives.  I can't remember their names off the top of my head.  They contacted us.  There was a Honduran and a Salvadorean.  The Honduran was like, hey, I want to come to your church!  I just need a white shirt and tie.  We told him we could arrange for him to have a shirt and tie.  We would love for the two to come to church!
OK. so I also went on an exchange this week.  I went to Baton Rouge east to work with Elder McCutcheon.  while on the exchange I saw a couple of guys, and was like, hey lets go talk to them.  Elder McCutcheon consented, and one of them was a less active that had moved from Texas.  The other was a friend that also had moved from Texas.  Both seemed decently interested. Cool cool.  We went to this place called the Bolsa (the bag).  It is this place called Prescott street. It is a rather interesting place.  Kind of old and trashy, but hey, that is pretty much where we are most of the time.  So the Bolsa is full of Hispanics and members, active and less active.  I met this guy Jason who is an English investigator that Elder McCutcheon was checking in on.  He had a really good taste in music.  Loves Eric Clapton, the Beatles, Styx, Boston, Kansas, etc.  he was playing Santana when we walked in, which sparked the conversation.  It was cool to relate to him. He is a guy that had a rough past and is doing a lot to change.  He was fixing his bike, so that was something that I was able to help with.  We also saw Cristobal, who spoke in sunday on the scriptures.  We went to help, and his roommates were in the midst of a sweet barbeque.  They shared with us and so we had awesome bbq shrimp, chicken, and chorizo.  Cristobal also did really well on his talk.  For pretty much everyone else we saw, we did an assignment that Elder McCutcheon and Elder McMurray have received from Presidente Estrada that is to get the members working on Hastening the Work. We showed the video We Are One.  We then shared some scripture that we felt prompted to share.  One of my favorites is Doctrine and Covenants 33:7-9, which was the title of my last email.  We need to open our mouths!  If we do, He will be with us.

For valentines day, we did service.  We went to an investigator of the zone leader's home which has an acre or so of property that was overgrown and had a shed that he wanted torn down.  So I spent most of my time wielding a machete and a sledge hammer.  It was awesome!  My hand hurts though...

Well, that is pretty much it!  Gotta go!  I love y'all!

Elder Scott Turner Andrews  

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