Alma 20:4 "in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things"
Hey everyone!
It has been a pretty good week. Just trying to do my best. Preparation day was awesome! It was the first time that we were able to have the entire district together. We had everyone together and waxed the cars. It was fun. I actually like waxing cars for some reason. It was just good to be all together and have a good time. We also had an awesome Family Home Evening this week. It had been awhile since Elder Glauser and I had assisted the regular Family Home Evenings Felipe holds in his home. We shared #Gracias a El. It was awesome. We watched the video and I tied things that are said there with some points from the BYU Speech "His Grace is Sufficient" by good old Brad Wilcox. It was super cool and the spirit was really strong.
Tuesday was fun. We had an awesome night at English class. We had one person show up. Rebecca. It was her second time coming. We took her around the church building and just taught her what some every day things were in English. We also gave her a tour of the church building, so that was cool and pretty clever of us, I must say. She even asked us when we had church! She didn't come, but it was still pretty cool.
Wednesday we had an awesome Zone Conference. The main part of the instruction were three talks from General Conference. Following Up by Elder Ballard, Love—the Essence of the Gospel by President Monson, and Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease by Elder Bednar. Following up is such a crucial part of Missionary work! If we don't follow up, our commitments really are hollow. If we give out a copy of the Book of Mormon and never ask about it again, does that show that we really care about if they read or not? Are they likely to read again? Probably not. When we talked about President Monson's talk, we focused on companionship unity. It was cool! We talked about how in order to show our love for God, we also have to love our companion. One thing we can do to love God is to be obedient with our companion. I love a phrase in the white handbook. It is one of the only things I think I have underlined in the Missionary Handbook. "As you obey with a willing heart (see D&C 64:34), you will show the Lord your love for Him..." When we are obedient, it helps our companion to be obedient too. Then we can both really show the Lord that we love him. I thought that was pretty cool. I really liked what was said about Elder Bednar's talk as well. Elder Bednar is probably one of my favorite people to hear speak in General Conference. One of his really common themes is the enabling power of the Atonement. The Atonement is not only for our sins, but to help us become better people. It is not only for the sinner, but also for the saint. As a missionary, we have a really big load. However, this load will help us to become better saints. Along with that, I don't have to pull my load alone. I have the Savior, the creator of the universe pulling along with me. That is such a powerful thought. I do not have to pull alone. This morning I was reading a BYU speech by Elder Bednar when he was President of BYU I. It is called "In the Strength of the Lord". In this talk, he uses Mosiah 3:19 to demonstrate more about the Redeeming and Enabling powers of the Atonement. I would invite y'all to take a look at this talk if you haven't already. If you have already, another look wont hurt. It is awesome.
We also had an instruction on car safety because we are supposed to on a quarterly basis. That day, or the next day, some sisters in the zone were in a preventable accident, so on Friday we had an emergency district meeting were we focused the entire time on safety again. We made it fun. I took everyone outside, and we got in the cars and I put one car at the end of the parking lot, and then I got in the other car and pulled it up to the back right corner of the other car so I could demonstrate blind spots and how far you need to be to have enough space to pass. If you can't see their headlights in your rear view mirror, you don't have enough space! We also practiced backing, because we are supposed to have a backer when we have the car in reverse, so we made sure that they understood what signals the backers were going to use. If we have backers, we shouldn't have backing accidents. They told us the church spends around one million dollars repairing damage to the backs of cars from backing and bike rack damage. Crazy.
Well, we had an awesome lesson this week with Leopoldo. We showed him this Video from the old scripture resources. It is called The Plan of Salvation. It was awesome. We just had a real good discussion about the Plan of Salvation and what it meant for us and him. He had a question about if we believed in hell, and we explained about the degrees of glory. It was cool. The spirit was there and it was awesome. He bought us ice cream and we helped him weed some of his planters. After we played a little pool with him. It was awesome.
Well, that is pretty much what happened this week! I love you all! Take care and keep on keepin on!
Elder Scott Turner Andrews
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